
Lent: Lord Teach Me to Pray/Give Your Heart to God

Two Communion Prayers to use as Needed
Sermon Seeds for Each Week
Breath Prayer of the Day
Traditional Prayers
Prayer Activities for each week
Taize for worship or to sing/play during the Prayer Activities (obviously if you are just playing background music live is fine, but watch your streaming licenses)
Creative Holy Week Worship Ideas

Additional Ideas: 
Prayer Journal
Leave a Space on the Bulletin for Prayers to be written
Pass out Hearts for Joys & Concerns to be written on All of Lent

Workshops following this Lectionary $50 to Brainstorm available Feb 6th at 10am-Noon Eastern time, and February 9th at 12pm-2pm Eastern time–please email me to register KatyandtheWord at gmail

Please note a lot of these texts are in Mark but most do not overlap the lectionary, if they do they are only 1 of the stories so you can choose the other one to preach on later

Feel free to Email KatyandtheWord at Gmail for Text version for easy Copy/Paste Formatting
Suggested Donation for Entire Liturgy $75
(you decide what is fair for portions)
Receipt Available upon request
Please give credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Venmo @Katy-Stenta (last four 7841), Paypal @KatyStenta, Google Pay Katyandtheword at gmail, Cash App $bookkats
GoFundMe, if you wish to send a check please email me for info

Narrative Lectionary Sermon Series is Available Here

Communion Prayers

Ash Weds Lord Teach Me to Pray
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 6:7-13

Lent 1 Themes: Call to Worship, Being Present with God
Matthew 12:1-8 or  Mark 2:23-28
Psalm 122

Communion Prayers

Lent 2 Themes: Breath Prayer, Orientating Yourself (to God)
Mark 4:25-41 or Matthew 11:28-29
Psalm 150 or Psalm 46

Lent 3 Confession, Placing oneself in community
Mark 2:1-5
Psalm 30

Lent 4 Assurance of Pardon/Words of Grace
Psalm 103 or Psalm 23 (this is an option for lament week)
Mark 2:7-12

Lent 5 Prayers of the People & Joy
Psalm 97 or Psalm 122
Mark 4:30-34

Lent 6 Prayers of the People & Lament, Hosanna, Save me
Psalm 23 as a Lament or James 5:1-6
Revelation 21:1-6 or Mark 11:12-14
Imprecation: Psalm 55 or 58

Communion Prayers

Maundy Thursday: Servant Prayer
John 13:1-17
Mark 10:13-15

Good Friday: Dark Night of the Soul.
Mark 15:1-39
Psalm 22

Holy Saturday: Silent Prayer, Un-Prayer

Easter Sunday: Prayer of the Resurrection
Mark 16:1-8
Psalm 118

Feel free to Email KatyandtheWord at Gmail for Text version for easy Copy/Paste Formatting
Suggested Donation for Entire Liturgy $75
(you decide what is fair for portions)
Receipt Available upon request
Please give credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Venmo @Katy-Stenta (last four 7841), Paypal @KatyStenta, Google Pay Katyandtheword at gmail, Cash App $bookkats

if you wish to send a check please contact me for info


Love in the Rubble

Jesus Christ,
I think it’s much easier to picture you
in a stable, cozy among the hay–
Then in the cave that they showed me
in Palestine, where all the animals are stabled.

I remember, when I toured Bethlehem
among the Christians
hearing talk of building permits
and dirt roads
the lack of permits
and that a lot of the fighting
was really about water access
“Is it like Syria?” I asked?

Aware, that
Syria was
is turning into a desert
before our eyes

“Exactly” they answered
Like a deer thirsts
for water
So our soul longs for God
“But I never hear that people are fighting
over water?” I wondered

Christmas Day
Eastern Orthodox
we went to the tomb
of Jesus
Where seven (the holy number)
crowded in

Each with clear
and signs claiming
this piece of the Savior
is mine.

“Merry Christmas!”
Our Eastern Orthodox Brethren Proclaimed
“Here touch the head of the tomb,
Normally, it is not allowed,
But today is a merry day”

I do not know, if I wanted
To feel so closely
the desperation
Of occupied
wartorn Gaza
must have
felt like
at your birth Jesus

But when I visited
Lo those 13 years ago

I remember–too
The hope of
Love among the

Jesus in a Nativity scene among rocks and rubble in Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem this year

The joy of “Merry Christmas”
amongst many faith
The sharing of a meal
with Muslims, Christians, Jews and Druze

Love among the rubble
As real as a Savior
born in a cave–
as real as a glimpse of peace,
in war.
As real as hope,
in a capitalistic, political scape.
As real as joy,
in the midst of weariness.

As real as faith,
in the midst of doubt.

As real as Christmas,
in the midst of the Advent of Life.

That’s my God
the one who shows up in the rubble of life.
Amen, Alleluia, Amen.

Jesus in. Nativity scene among rocks and rubble in Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem this year. Photos originate from the Church here

Feel free to use/adapt/share with credit to Katy Stenta “Katyandtheword”


Advent Resources

Under Construction

Advent Candles: Narrative Lectionary

Advent Candles: RCL

Blue Christmas

Magnificat Advent Worship

Narrative Lectionary Daily Calendar

Writing Advent Candle Liturgy Workshops

Advent Hymns to Christmas Carol Tunes

Alternative (Update) to We 3 Kings

Write an Advent Wreath Liturgy in a small personalized environment
Limit 10 people per workshop

This Zoom Workshop is designed for all levels and experiences for people to engage in prayer writing–using the scripture as your guide. This will be an instructional, small group (limit 10) and experiential workshop.

Mon Nov 27th 6-8pm (Eastern) $50 Per Person Tues Dec 5th 12:30-2:30pm

(As Advent will have already started, Katy will have an Advent Candle Liturgy for use, she will send you)

Led by Katy Stenta, Pastor, Writer and Educator

For more information to sign up, email Katyandtheword at gmail.com. Titled “Liturgy”

Katy Stenta is a regular contributor to Sermonsuite, (formerly) RevGalBlogPals, and is published in Enfleshed, Presbyterian’s Today and Outlook. She received her undergraduate in English and History and Minor on Philosophy at Oberlin, her M. Div. and MA in Christian Formation at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is currently pursuing her D. Min. in Creative Writing as a Public Theologian at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She also writes personal prayers regularly at katyandtheword.com.

(Min. 3 People to run)


Extended Advent, Magnificat Sunday

For use anytime in Advent

Magnificat Rewritten
Advent Unleashed: Magnificat Prayer
All I want, Magnificat Prayer
Waiting for Magnificat Prayer
Magnify the work of Jesus Prayer
Empty Advent Prayer (and Filling up)

Magnificat Worship
Another Magnificat Worship

O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Magnificat Version

Psalm 146
Luke 1:46-55

Call to Worship
God we are leaning in to hear the good news from Gabriel
We confess we long to be filled with Good News
We want to both ponder with Mary, and shout with her!
Let us prepare to Magnify the Lord together

Magnificat Candle:
God we want the systems of oppression to cease
We long for peace on earth and goodwill for all
We are ready to magnify you
Help us to magnify your Good News God.

Invitation for Confession: Nothing is too big for God, come let us lay our worries and concerns at the feet of God today.

Prayer of Confession: God we confess that Mary’s message is a little strong for us. The idea that you will completely restructure the world sounds like a little much. However, we love the promise of justice and hope. We can hold on tight to a world filled with good things. Teach us how to work towards this world of the world of the Magnificat without being too overwhelmed, tired or scared we pray Amen.

Assurance of Pardon: God promises that Jesus forgives us as soon as we give him our burden, thus we can proclaim the good news In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Amen.

Prayer of the Day/Dedication: God help us to continue to commit to you, your justice and your Kin(g)dom as we enter into this season of Advent, prepare our hearts for you and your work we pray. Amen.

If you appreciate my work please Donate! I am between jobs right now and would truly appreciate any donation from $5-$20 GoFundMe

Also check out my Candle Liturgy Workshop

Want some help Getting ready for Advent?

Write an Advent Wreath Liturgy in a small personalized environment

Limit 10 people per workshop

This Zoom Workshop is designed for all levels and experiences for people to engage in prayer writing–using the scripture as your guide. This will be an instructional, small group (limit 10) and experiential workshop.

Mon Nov 27th 6-8pm (Eastern) $50 Per Person Tues Dec 5th 12:30-2:30pm

(As Advent will have already started, Katy will have an Advent Candle Liturgy for use, she will send you)

Led by Katy Stenta, Pastor, Writer and Educator

For more information to sign up, email Katyandtheword at gmail.com. Titled “Liturgy”

Katy Stenta is a regular contributor to Sermonsuite, (formerly) RevGalBlogPals, and is published in Enfleshed, Presbyterian’s Today and Outlook. She received her undergraduate in English and History and Minor on Philosophy at Oberlin, her M. Div. and MA in Christian Formation at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is currently pursuing her D. Min. in Creative Writing as a Public Theologian at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She also writes personal prayers regularly at katyandtheword.com.

(Min. 3 People to run)


Sermon Series: Rest is Resistance

If you appreciate my work, please support my D. Min in Creative Writing. I am in my final year and raising money here as a working Public Theologian:

Receipt Available upon request
Please give credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Venmo @Katy-Stenta (last four 7841), Paypal @KatyStenta, Google Pay Katyandtheword at gmail, Cash App $bookkats
GoFundMe, if you wish to send a check please email me for info

f you use this series you must credit Tricia Hersey’s authorship and Book, as it is foundational for all of the work you see here. Please credit Tricia Hersey “Rest is Resistance” and Pastor Katy Stenta for liturgy. 

Tricia Heresy
Founded the Nap Ministry, Information Here:

You can become a Patreon for her work here: https://www.patreon.com/napministry

Can you encourage your congregation to rest? What is the culmination of this season? Is it going to be less committees? A period of prayer only? A shift to retiring/merging congregations? A decision to take every 4th or 5th Worship off to just rest? How can you be more sanctuary?

In some ways this work is the sequel to the Sermon Series This Here Flesh, if This Here Flesh is about Emobodied Liturgy (liturgy meaning the work of the people) then this is about, what do we do with our bodies, after we learn that they are in fact liturgy. (I am sure it works vice versa as well)

How are you going to model this in your Worship? Will you encourage pillows and blankets? Put moments for stretches in worship? Hopefully at least time to close your eyes and do nothing, to listen to the birds, music, to do nothing.

Cultivate rest–do what you can to encourage sleep, encourage Sabbath, sanctuary.

Who would come to Church if it was a place of Rest?

Less is more

Not because we need to work more, but because being is more important than doing

These Questions might help your preaching* But may be “too much” for your congregation, that’s ok, meet them where they are at. The political issues are real, try to address them as much as you can. Tricia Hersey talks a lot of being in the world but not of the world, this language works well in the church.

Buy at your local Bookstore or from the source: https://thenapministry.com
Or https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/9780316365215?shipto=US&curcode=USD&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg-GjBhBnEiwAMUvNW3E605Xb5Z3YQCU3VpR7G2ftkRkkrzY2V3zvbsuDueBktCjAIjipZxoCymwQAvD_BwE

Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto Book by Tricia Hersey

Week 1 “What would it feel like to be consistently rested?”p. 56
Come & Rest with Me
Genesis 1:27-2:3 So God created humankind* in his/their image,  in the image of God he created them;*
   male and female he created them. 
God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.’ God said, ‘See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.’ And it was so. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude.And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.
Psalm 46:10a Be still, and know that I am God

Week 2 “What does exhaustion look like for me?” p. 56
Broken Humanity: Scarcity & Hate
Hosea 5:15-6:6 I will return again to my place until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face. In their distress they will beg my favor:
“Come, let us return to the Lord; for it is he who has torn, and he will heal us; he has struck down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord; his appearing is as sure as the dawn; he will come to us like the showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.”What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? Your love is like a morning cloud, like the dew that goes away early.Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have killed them by the words of my mouth, and my judgment goes forth as the light. For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
Psalm 3:1-6 1 O LORD, I have so many enemies; so many are against me. 3 But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. 5 I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. 6 I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.

Week 3 “What would it feel like to be consistently rested?” p. 56
Psalm 34:8-10 Taste and see how good YHWH is! Happiness comes to those who take refuge in YHWH. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better is a handful with quiet than two handfuls with toil, and a chasing after wind.

Week 4 “Who was I before the terror of the toxic systems? p. 56
(W)holistic Self
Psalm 127:7 In vain you get up early and stay up late, sweating to make a living, because God loves us and provides for us even while we sleep.
Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Mark 4:36-41 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, ‘Let us go across to the other side.’ And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great gale arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’ Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?’ And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, ‘Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’

Week 5 “What have you been told about your worth and existence?” p. 56
Worth and Blessedness
Isaiah 14:3-4 When the Lord has given you rest from your pain and turmoil and the hard service with which you were made to serve, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has ceased! How his insolence has ceased!
Psalm 62:1 In God alone my soul finds rest, for my deliverance comes from God, who alone is my rock, my salvation, my fortress: I will never be shaken.

Week 6How do you make space to transcend the confines of a system that prays to the call of ‘profit over people’?” p. 56
Grief & Healing
1 King 19:4-7 But [Elijah] himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a solitary broom tree. He asked that he might die: “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the broom tree and fell asleep. Suddenly an angel touched him and said to him, “Get up and eat.” He looked, and there at his head was a cake baked on hot stones, and a jar of water. He ate and drank, and lay down again. The angel of the Lord came a second time, touched him, and said, “Get up and eat, otherwise the journey will be too much for you.”
Romans 8:22:26 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now; 23and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. 27And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Week 7Who do I want to be?” p. 56
Restoration & Liberation
Psalm 23:2 or Psalm 23:6 Surely Goodness and Mercy Psalm 23
John 14:(1-7)27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

Parenting Decolonization: Normalize not giving fuck what white folks think about how we get into spaces. Regal Picture of Toni Morrison with her gray hair pulled back in a black shirt with a purple sweater overlaying it. “The function, the very serious function of racism, is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaingin, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language, so you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly, so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Someone says that you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of that is necessary There will always be one more thing.” Notice NO TIME AT ALL FOR REST in Racism, for ANYONE, Most of all the Black people and POC. (Toni Morrison was known for not giving her time to White Academia, because she was trying to save as much of it as possible, she got up super early before her family to write)

Other Resources
Raising of Dorcas/Tabitha: Did She want to Get up?
4,000 Weeks
Doing Laundry While Drowning
This Here Flesh
Trauma Informed Yoga
Letters from the Ecotone: Ecology, Theology and Climate Change
The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy And “Women’s Work”
More Memes/Notes that I am adding along the way

If you appreciate my work, please support my D. Min in Creative Writing. I am in my final year and raising money here: https://gofund.me/391febb1. I am more than halfway funded! Any amount $10-$200 helps. Receipts available!

A 1950s (?) Redhead luxuriating… reading a newspaper and drinking tea in bed. “They say follow your dreams..so I’m in bed. The signature looks like it is AHS


Hosanna, a Dangerous Prayer

“Hosanna” God we cry
When did we make this
an easy prayer to pray

We hand it to our children
And make it a parade
–Filling their hands with palms
to dance around the room

Hosanna, the children Scream

As the rooms fill with gunfire

As their gender identities are destroyed

as they are ripped away from their parents at the border

As they cry for hunger when we cut their SNAP benefits

And Jesus takes a child
puts them on his lap and says
unless you understand the children
you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven

“How do we tell the children about school shootings?”

They know
They have been practicing for them, like maths or piano
And they know the grownups are not preventing them

Hosanna, they cry
My youngest came home from kindergarten
And said to me we are practicing being quiet for when bad guys come to school.



My middle child has autism
He will never be able to be quiet
If a bad guy comes to school


Hosanna, God, Grace alone
But Still we know we have to participate
in our own salvation
Thoughts and prayer won’t do it

Policy and Change
will be our chant of Hosanna

Jesus paraded into the City
And then Flipped the Tables
It is not enough to cry out and pray
Action and Accountability must follow

Hosanna, we pray–what a Dangerous Prayer
on our Lips
Maybe only the Children truly know what it means

Hosanna God, Hosanna Christ!
May we Hosanna this together we pray


Feel free to use/share/adapt with Credit to Pastor Katy Stenta

Gun Violence Prevention Prayers

Image is a pair of AK47s crossing, covered with the words Hosanna and palms layered, and Save us at the Top and Prince of Peace, Flip the Tables, Policy and Change on the Bottom. Created by Katy Stenta on Canva, free to use with credit.

If you want to support my work as a Public Theologian please do so here

Receipt Available upon request

Venmo @Katy-Stenta (last four 7841), Paypal @KatyStenta, Google Pay Katyandtheword at gmail, Cash App $bookkats
GoFundMe, if you wish to send a check please email me for info

Prayer for the Young Adults

Here’s a prayer for the Young Adults
The ones who we say are the future
the generations we send out into the world

Here’s a prayer for the protestors
The young reporters and truth tellers
The ones who are trying to get our attentions

Here’s a prayer for the ones who can’t shut up
Who are listening to the community activists and organizers
Who are getting it done–and then are being denigrated for it

Here’s a prayer for the ones who are lost, in hate (I hope its fewer than it seems)
who need the excuse to act up and out
for those who have enmity, racism and white supremacy at the ready

Here’s a prayer for the Young Adults
The ones who are already leading, who are forcing us to have
the deeper conversations, that we were all avoiding

Until now

Thank God for the Youth
Who pray with their feet, their tents and their bodies
Ceasefire Now

Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Rainbow Prayer

A Rainbow Prayer for the Methodists
After all the rain
A promise written in the sky
that violence will cease
Love will be covenanted
and celebrated

A rainbow prayer for the world
that the world will call you
by your chosen name
that your chosen family
will be found
in sanctuaries
you can escape to

when needed

A rainbow prayer
for all the children
who cradle the wonders
of the wonder
when they look at the rainbows
and see
and Beauty

Rainbow Prayers
Breathing in the Alleluias
Even as tears stream down
reflecting tiny rainbows
of the world
as it will be
When we all realize

the Fierce and
and Wonderfully Made
Beauty of the Rainbow


Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”


As my Graduation approaches on May 31st 2024, I wanted to thank you again for your support. Your generosity has not only allowed me to study, explore my theology and write my thesis “Let’s Yell at God” but also to write a number of Sermon Series, contextual Psalms and Prayers and Liturgies for people to reflect on, pray and share. It is my hope someday to publish if the way be clear (a phrase that means if the right pieces somehow come together and God helps along the way). However, I am aware that this was truly a community effort. The donations to my work have numbered over 300. The views of my work has been 100 a day and 30,000 a year. This is not the degree of just one person—but truly the work of Public Theology, as it will say in May. 

I often think about how this theology is one in the legacy of Mr. Rogers, who’s alma mater I am attending. This is supposed to be about putting theology in the public sphere in new ways. Sometimes prayer writing seems ordinary and pedestrian, and others, it feels like the tool that needs to to spark what needs to happen, the way to give permission for people to wrestle with those things in their lives that just seem to be impossible. 

As someone who is always talking—it’s just that sometimes that dialogue happens to be out loud, prayer has been a lovely outlet for me to continue process what it means to be 

This thing we call


Thank you for being part of the journey 

And helping me to fund a degree that would not have happened without the community.




Community and PCUSA Insurance Changes

This is about the PCUSA insurance changes

Book of Order E-1.0301

The Church is the body of Christ. Christ gives to the Church all the gifts necessary to be his body. The Church strives to demonstrate these gifts in its life as a community in the world (1 Cor. 12:27–28):

The Church is to be a community of faith, entrusting itself to God alone, even at the risk of losing its life.

The Church is to be a community of hope, rejoicing in the sure and certain knowledge that, in Christ, God is making a new creation. This new creation is a new beginning for human life and for all things. The Church lives in the present on the strength of that promised new creation.


Today the Board of Pensions released its plan to charge churches and pastors insurance according to the cost of plans.

Constitutionally, every installed pastor has to be covered by insurance, but not

retired pastors
uninstalled pastors
pastor’s spouses
pastor’s children
temporary pastors
pastors between calls

so the plan charges $10,000-$20,000 more, unless you are a big steeple church, then you are excused from some of the costs–there is a still a cap on the maximum you have to pay
(because it makes little difference, which is irking in so many ways).

Throughout the listening sessions, BOP exhorted pastors to trust their churches, but the reality is many churches cannot afford to pay more.

And many pastors can afford their call only because of the superior health coverage that is given them.

Many young pastors, especially women (the healthiest quotient) will walk.

I bet many more People of Color..

those who are already discriminated against will be moreso
I attended most of the Town Halls, BOP argued both that discrimination is already happening, and that everything will be ok.

They said that few people will be affected, and that they cannot afford to care for the retirees, the spouses and the children.

But our pensions are fine (I must admit if I hear my so called pension, which I will probably never reach, is fine one more time, I might scream) since I first started ministry, when I could not afford food for my children, or the housing, when I was poverty stricken, and negotiating every cent I made, I was assured over and over again, but my pension is fine. Great, wonderful, what about Maslow’s principles of human needs?

Plus at the moment the retirement medical plan Humana is not accepted at either of our local hospitals, which is pretty ridiculous.

I will admit, as a pastor I cannot understand how we are not rallying for single-payer healthcare. I held so many congregants hands who have told me the health aid didn’t show up. Fielded the phone calls from couples who could not physically take care of one another but could not get in to a nursing home, talked to children who did not know what to do with parents, driven people to doctor’s appointments because they literally had no one else to do it.

How are we not on the frontlines of this?

For our congregations, our part times staffs, and ourselves?

When I assess the BOP, it feels like they are not doing their job
often they admit that they will not do as directed by General Assembly–they do not follow the dictates of the Constitution to live in community even at the risk of themselves.

Even though it is our core belief.

When asked outright if they approached other denominations to team up more closely. (We already cooperate on some level with some denominations.)

They admitted they did not.

When asked if they pursued more creative Co-op options, one that might include congregants (which would take restructuring but would that not be amazing?) or even just to be more creative in our leveraging, one of which my best friend, who is a real estate agent found one and is participating in.

They said they did not.

The sum of their research suggested sharing pulpits–which is a good and sound suggestion; one we have been doing for hundreds of years as a denomination.

When one takes in the exorbitant salaries of the top BOP officials, who participate in our healthcare–capped of course–it calls into question, did they do their jobs?

When small scrappy churches are required to risk everything for Christ and figure out how to creatively survive every year, month and day.

When pastors sacrifice a lot to be in ministry, and yes have the privilege of good healthcare, in this admittedly white collar job.

I predict a lot of young ministers leave ministry as a result, a lot of people with families and children, particularly women (ironically this is the healthiest quotient in insurance: young, women).

Perhaps ministry is changing, perhaps healthcare will no longer be a part of the job, but if that is the case, then equity still needs to be a part of the discussion, because we are a community of Christ first. We are risking all of this because we believe in community, equity and love.

At least that is why I’m doing this church thing.

Maybe we all need to not be installed and start over; even though installation a (I believe) used first to describe pastors wayyy before it was used to describe stoves and video games

However, I think we need to keep working to make things more fair, not less.

I believe in E-1.0301
I am doing my best to live into it. To not accept that “this is the only way” to know that the Kin(g)dom calls us to imagine a better world, and then to live creatively into it.

I will not leave others behind along the way. I will continue to learn about equity, inclusion and love.

I am aware this is not all bad for everyone, however I still feel like there are better ways to do all of this. See also: Who is communicating all of these changes and bearing the brunt of this work in the church community (that feels like a whole different article).

PS the menu option is great, and progress and I like it.

By Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”

Dues Package published by the BOP is here

TDOV, Resurrection

Jesus I can’t see you
I don’t know
I’m in mourning

And Jesus scooped us under her wings
And let us touch the wounds—know what it’s like to have to leave parts, family and self behind on offer to resurrect in visible and invisible ways

And God whispered once again that we are fiercely and wonderfully made

Until we could find ourselves again
Blessed Trans Visibility Day
May you be you full self
And find places of sanctuary and belovedness in your life

*and for all those who say screw it
You can’t see me
It is not time
Or it’s not about Jesus

Because its your day to do it your way
And it is beautiful to be seen
And be called by your chosen name
In the right context

Good Friday

The tears
on my Face
the Broken
reminding me
Of all I missing

I ache, remembering

the Soup I ate from it
at a Homeless-Dinner-Slash-

As I touch the pieces
I can almost smell
the countless
Ashes I burned
Ash Weds
Write Everything
You want to give to God
On a Piece of Paper
And I will Burn it for you

The Holy Spririt
will Somehow
transpose it
To the ashes
We will write
in a shape of a Cross
on your forehead

Shattered Butterflies
Silent Call
Is as Close to a Good Friday Service
I will get today

I pray as I put the pieces in the trash
Remember Me
When you Come
Into Your Kingdom

Feel free to use/share/adapt with credit to Pastor Katy Stenta “KatyandtheWord”